On Thu, Sep 22, 2005 at 01:38:35PM -0500, Hareesh Nagarajan wrote:
> Suppose I have 2 files, the first file's contents are (0, 100) and the
> second file's contents are (0, 50). Now, can I make GNUPLOT plot a
> graph with the average, i.e. (0, 100+50/2)?
> Sure, I could create a third file which stores the average (0, 75) and
> I could just plot the third file using GNUPLOT.
> The solution needs to be generic because each of these files could
> have any number of lines and I could have any number of files. But
> what I need to plot will always be the average.

the problem needs to be specific because I have no idea what you are
thinking of:

  1) Are the number of lines per file going to be the same? I.e., you
  can have a variable number of lines, N, but the N is independent of
  the file you choose?

  2) Are you doing a line by line average? For 2 files of 3 lines
  each, will you end up with a final average with 3 data points (1st
  line from 1st file with the 1st line from second file and so on), or
  will you just have the average of all 6 points?

There are many more uncertainties to your question, please be more

S: mm
W: hum, dan's been idle for almost three days.....
W: what's up with him!?
S: have you seen him?  is he dead?
W: Yes, and Yes
S: eek!  did you kill him?
W: I saw a zombie of distinct resemblance to Daniel Jonathan Peng yesterday and
   played pool with it for two hours
W: no
W: i think the frozen halibut he ordered was accidently airdropped instead of 
   ground mailed
W: and the 140 pounder, poor beast, is deeply hurt
W: from landing on top of dan, instead of on the ground
S: frozen... halibut...?
W: so instead of dying instantaneously, the poor beast suffered a great deal
W: yes
W: we are just glad he didn't order a sperm whale... because a mistake of that 
   magnitude would have destroyed forbes college altogether
S: erk... what a strange occurence
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