J.Rutkowski <jrtk <at> pancakebungalow.com> writes:

> Agreed and the discussion for Project:Installer[1] has some very great
> ideas. I absolutely think that an installer is necessary to attract
> newcomers and keep them. The Handbook is great, don't get me wrong, and
> following it is almost a rite of passage. But at the same time, it is
> quite daunting for someone coming from a binary distro that does
> everything for you. So why not offer both? 

EXACTLY! In fact when folks become interested, you can index into
or at least reference the handbook for details; but do not continue
to use the handbook as a "blocker" to new users:: that is what I refer to
when I use the term "pathetic". The handbook is fine (it's great) but not
on the first date and not when all you want is a quickie (install).

> An installer for newcomers
> (and any who want automation) and the traditional CLI method? Now, the
> implementation is what needs to be defined and needs to be done right
> for it to take off (if an installer is decided as the way to go).  

Agreed. BTRFS on raid 1 (as disks are cheap now) would be keen; right
out of the box. No mdadmlmv just btrfs (SWEET)! Using persistence
and usb drives would make it keenly customizable per user and
easy to install on some of the newer devices (those without cd/dvd).

My ideas at a LUG is to bring in a portable cluster running distcc/mesos [A]
and actually do the compiling while a tell a few jokes and show folks some
gentoo project, like epatch_user..... or some kernel tuning.

> > Embedded twist::
> Linux Mint partnered to produce the mintBox [2], Debian partnered with
> Beaglone [3], Arch Linux ARM [4] is sponsored and provided hardware for
> testing (would love to see a Gentoo push to embedded systems...but needs
> testing), so it is not out of the question to pursue increased embedded
> system support. What would be ideal, in my opinion, is do what Debian
> did with the Beaglebone images and have SD cards already installed with
> the OS (but that's probably a pipe dream...)

Not really. Have you looked at the "bench strength" of the gentoo-arm
project? Dude it's a veritable whos_who of linux titans.......
And I joined the gentoo-embedded forum for a while. Immediately got a spike
in hacker trash ..... ymmv. (prolly young punks).

THEY have to decide they want to make gentoo on arm available. Offering
a gentoo embedded widget, first needs a gentoo installer so it can be
customized/modified per embedded board. That's why persistence and usbstick
based are mandatory. Forget the cd/dvd baggage....... Put the handbook where
it belongs:: a footnote to be used as a reference.

You combine clustering with embedded and you get the hot-future of
networking:: SDN  Software Defined Networks [B,C].

If the handbook was gentoo's future, we'd be swimming in new (young and
idealistic) kids to use gentoo. It's not happening:: so please draw 
conclusions about gentoo that are realistic.

Sad, but this is not the first rodeo about installing gentoo. I personally
think it's a cancer, that is core to many long term devs. It's going to take
a maverick to fix this problem; then others can champion gentoo. Most who
learn and develop deep skills leave gentoo to atrophy. ymmv. (been here
since 2004).

Mesos:: built up from sources it going to be big; when you combine it with
cluster compiling, run everything from sources you control, becomes an
exercise for junior admins (training program if you like).  Then your
SDN becomes a reality [D]:: and gentoo is very very close to being
revolutionary:: Top Dog:: the most beautiful of Bitches vs all other
distros. We just lack:: TEAM and :: Leaderhip, imho.

SDN's can and will change everything, once they are fully integrated with 
'the onion'. Oh, we have Anthony too (the Onion brings tears to my eyes...)
(wink wink:: nudge nudge).....


[A] https://github.com/mesos/mesos-distcc

[B] http://www.opendaylight.org/software/downloads



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