>>>>>> I think it is an Einstein quote 


>>>>> And Feynmann said something 


>>> I don't think they're misnamed, the problem is in our heads.



I don't care.
I want to be a gentoo-USER (see name of ml).

Don't get me wrong, I like fuzzing around with details etc (and most
people subscribed here know that from various threads I triggered ...).

But don't you agree that it *should* be possible to simply pull upgrades
from the distro of choice without solving "problems in my head" ?

IMO it's the definition of maintainers to keep that level of complexity
away from the plain users. Especially for users of the stable "branch"
(the OP of this thread wrote "stable" = amd64 machine).

I admit: maybe I miss some point here because I didn't read the whole

IMO "stable" should result in a (mostly ...) carefree and maintained
experience for the user.

opinions welcome.


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