On 15/09/2015 22:09, james wrote:
> Hello,
> So looking at /etc/portage/repos.conf, it seems root.root owns these
> files; shouldn't it be portage.portage? and /usr/portage
> That got me thinking. Everywhere that portage operates or owns
> things, should the ownership not be portage.portage
> and what would the typical permissions be?

Here, all of /etc/portage is root:root
The tree and all overlays are portage:portage

You can make a local overlay owned by user you want, stuff you hack away
at yourself should probably be james:james or james:users

Typically, permissions in /etc/portage are the usual 755 for dirs and
644 for files

I set overlays and the tree to be 2775 for dirs and 664 for files

> Is there a master list I can look at? Surely root not own all
> these dirs, like /usr/portage/* ? My /usr/portage is root.root
> and 755 on permissions, is that right?

Permissions should be what YOU need them to be on your computer. There's
a default, it's what portage makes them when you install stuff

> If so, why?

Only root should change the master config files in /etc, just like in
all other apps
IIRC emerge can drop privs to a user account, if that user is portage
then portage must own the files

> In my /usr/local/portage and it's subdirs where I hack on many 
> ebuild, portage.portage owns everything.....?

Make your life easy, chaown that stuff to james

> Curious, and I cannot remember ever looking at this....
> James

Alan McKinnon

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