Alan McKinnon <alan.mckinnon <at>> writes:

> On 17/09/2015 16:09, james wrote:
> > Huh? You really should stay in  the E&M domain, for accuracy and not
> > confusing the readers. 

> I'm not familiar with the term "E&M"

Aren't you an EE, amongst other talents?  
Electricity and Magnetism (E&M) 
You know, what physicists call Fields and Waves....
Surely you've met my friend Schroedinger?
Electric fields; just for fun [1]

> For the rest, we seem to have diverged the plot somewhere.
> We agree.

Hey, I posted once about PS, and everybody had to pile_on (ok).
The I posted again on a different sub_thread, try to avoid
conflict. I know power, small signals, DSPs and quite a bit of
Rf.......... Granted, my people skills, despite arduous effort,
are weak, at best. That why I sit in a lab alone, and mostly
contract, when something interests me...



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