On Thu, Sep 24, 2015 at 02:27:43PM +0300, gevisz wrote:
> I have dev-lang/ghc in my world file.
> Today, while updating the system, the portage
> wanted to update it. Ok. But why it pulles in
> ghc-bin-7.8.4-amd64.tbz2?

Like all good language authors, the ghc authors wrote a lot of the
language and toolchain in Haskell, so you need a Haskell compiler to
compile ghc.

> >>> Downloading 
> >>> 'http://mirror.netcologne.de/gentoo/distfiles/ghc-bin-7.8.4-amd64.tbz2'
> --2015-09-24 14:12:02--
> http://mirror.netcologne.de/gentoo/distfiles/ghc-bin-7.8.4-amd64.tbz2
> Resolving mirror.netcologne.de..., 2001:4dd0:1234:1::deb
> Connecting to mirror.netcologne.de||:80... connected.
> HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
> Length: 100573133 (96M) [application/octet-stream]
> Saving to: '/usr/portage/distfiles/ghc-bin-7.8.4-amd64.tbz2'
> /usr/portage/distfi 100%[=====================>]  95.91M   193KB/s   in 9m 54s
> 2015-09-24 14:21:56 (165 KB/s) -
> '/usr/portage/distfiles/ghc-bin-7.8.4-amd64.tbz2' saved
> [100573133/100573133]

There is a 'ghcbootstrap' USE flag that you can set to use your locally
installed ghc to build the new ghc.


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