On Thu, 12 Nov 2015 18:47:44 +0200, Alan McKinnon wrote:

> >>> I was just checking out on other forums; chromium is an open source
> >>> and not very well maintain. www-client/google-chrome suppose to be
> >>> better.  
> >>
> >> On what is that claim based? Chromium used the chrome source code
> >> with the proprietary bits removed and the same versions of both are
> >> available in portage.  
> > 
> > ...and I'm for ever having to recompile chromium as it seems to
> > change about once a week. Not what you would call poorly supported.

> Well the OP did say that the info came from "other forums" and we know
> how reliable those can be.

Exactly, that's why I asked for some detail.

> I'd trust my mother-in-law's opinion on the state of Chromium before I

This is just a random claim without even a citation from such a forum.
Hell, it even implies that being open source is bad, it's a good thing we
have closed source alternatives like Firefox...

Neil Bothwick

Politics: Poli (many) - tics (blood sucking parasites)

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