Neil Bothwick <> wrote:
> I deleted the busybox directory from the tree then ran emerge --sync.
> The error is still there

You have the same files that I have.
Unfortunately, only now I actually did:

$ grep busybox-9999 Manifest
EBUILD busybox-9999.ebuild 8580 [...]

I have the same wrong size recorded in the Manifest!
No idea why portage didn't yell at me - there seems
to be another bug involved.

So, sorry, my previous conjecture was wrong.

The only information which I can give you currently,
is that probably all mirrors contain the same broken Manifest
in the moment.

*Perhaps* (a very wild conjecture!) the reason why this Manifest
got not updated is the same bug which caused portage not to yell
at me, despite the broken Manifest.

As a temporary hack, calling "ebuild manifest" on that file is
probably the only reasonable way to proceed, but this problem
must be fixed, of course...

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