Well, *something* is trying to access a function that doesnt exist in NDB; whether we know what it does or why, I'm guessing it's a behaviour that shouldn't happen :P.

I suppose whatever tries to access NDB has a bug in it... but what would that be?

On 27/09/05, Holly Bostick <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
Phill MV schreef:
> That makes me feel much better. On a related note, shouldn't we be
> filing bug reports, then?

Never occurred to me since it was a PEBKAC (problem existing between
keyboard and chair, to save people having to look it up). The only
reason NBD was compiled into the kernel was because I put it there,
having mysteriously forgotten that I had gotten along fine without it
for some time, and having suddenly conceived a conviction that it was
some kind of missing link to a network paradise of some sort.

Which it may well be, but not for my home network of two puny PCs. I
don't know what came over me.

And I definitely don't know what kind of a bug 'should' be filed, if I
thought one was needed.

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