On Friday 01 Jan 2016 10:41:40 Peter Humphrey wrote:
> On Friday 01 January 2016 10:26:05 Mick wrote:
> > ... my kmail2 still seems to be functioning properly and without any major
> > problems so far.  :-)
> What, not even duplicates? I'm still getting a dozen a day.

Hi Peter,

I think your problem with duplicates is specific to the Kmail2's POP3 
implementation.  I noticed this too in the early days of Kmail2, on an old PC 
which was having great trouble running akonadi.  POP3 messages were being 
duplicated back then and every time I deleted any duplicates they were 
magically being recreated afresh.  I never nailed it down to a particular 
cause, because the old PC could not run Kmail2 effectively for daily usage - it 
was being pegged at 100% of CPU most of the time, corrupting its akonadi 
driven mysql database as it was going along.  I tried half a dozen times to 
perform get it running successfully, but eventually gave up in frustration of 
the ever propagating duplicate messages.  IMAP4 was also not very reliable 
back then, messages in the Sent folder were not shown at all.  However, this 
was a problem with the IMAP4 server I was using at the time and needed some 
change in the default IMAP4 configuration of Kmail2 to fix it.  The current 
version of my IMAP4 servers seem to work fine with Kmail2.

I can confirm at present I am not having any duplicate messages showing up with 
IMAP4 on 3 different PCs, with multiple email accounts, either with embedded 
mysql or on my most recent installation with a stand alone postgresql.  I can 
also confirm that on my  laptop even gkrellms is using more CPU (0.7%) than 
Kmail2 (0.3%), just as I am writing this email.  :-)

I recall from a previous thread that you tried different things to resolve the 
duplicate messages problem, including creating a new Kmail account and 
starting afresh.  I don't know how much basic troubleshooting you may have 
done.  On the client side, did you try running a new stand alone database (not 
embedded in akonadi) in case this is a database problem?

Also, did you try a different POP3 mail account, from a different provider to 
check this is not server specific?

Otherwise, it may be some error incurred during the 'message-number' exchange 
between your mailserver and the Kmail2 POP3 client, or how these message-
numbers are stored/refreshed by akonadi.  You could try troubleshooting POP3 
packet exchanges with the server using wireshark to see what flies on the wire, 
then doing some open heart surgery on the mysql tables to find out what is the 
matter with the 'message-number' stored/used by akonadi.  The aconadiconsole 
may be useful for this purpose, or good ol' mysql commands on a terminal.


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