Ryan Viljoen wrote:
If you do a:
du -hs /usr/portage/distfiles
and a
du -hs /usr/portage

You will see that the majority of the space is taken up by the distfiles. This is where emerge stores all the packages that it downloads when installing them on your system. To decrease the size of the directory you can go through it and delete older versions of packages such as:

I have:

So you could delete zlib-1.2.1.tar.bz2 since there is a new version. I think there are some scripts out there that do such things but I havent bothered to find them. I wouldnt suggest deleting all the files since if you want to reinstall or add new packages they may require files that have been already downloaded ie: save you the time and bandwidth of redownloading them.

if you use getdelta to fetch updates you can set


in /etc/deltup/getdelta.rc and it will delete old file as above zlib-1.2.1.tar.bz2 after successfull make of new version from patches.

More about getdelta on [1]

[1] http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Install_Deltup

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