some time ago i had issue like yours that was caused by broken fonts configuration

try this:

boot without X
launch top
see anything taking resources
launch X
see anything taking resources

look in logs


At 05:41 2005.09.27., you wrote:
I just compiled 2.6.13-gentoo-r2 with mostly the same options as
2.6.12-gentoo-r7 (my reference point).  The first time I booted, it took
about 10-15 minutes on my 3GHz P4 laptop!  I watched the gdm background
slowly display over about 30 seconds.

I thought it might have something to do with the new default timer
frequency, which I set to 250Hz instead of 1000Hz (which is the default
for pre 2.6.13 kernels).  According to various online sites, 250Hz
should still be just as usable, and may even use less power, increasing
my battery performance...

So I changed the timer frequency back to 1000Hz, recompiled and now it
seems a little faster, but no where near 2.6.12.  It now boots in maybe
5 minutes, and the gdm theme takes about 5s to display.

glxgears (not maximised) gives me about 30 fps with a radeon 9700!

I checked the frequency governor, and the default is still
'performance'.  /proc/acpi/processor/CPU0/throttling shows the maximum
frequency is active as per normal.

Other kernel options I changed are:
- support for software suspend added (could this be it? I definitely saw
the message that no valid suspend was found in my swapfile,
and /proc/swaps shows that I have swap enabled as per usual)
- removed unnecessary SCSI drivers (I don't have anything SCSI)
- removed SATA support (I definitely don't have SATA)

Dell Ispiron 9100, 3 GHz HT Pentium 4
2.6.12 and 2.6.13: SMP support for 2 processors included

I've seen 1 post online about the same thing - slow running 2.6.13, so
surely there must be some people in the world running it ok!  Any help
on this would be appreciated.


Iain Buchanan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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