So you can log from SSH or telnet but not the console?

If not, I would check all the profile and bashrc files to be sure there is 
nothing wrong there.

If you can log from outside, could you have forbidden root to log from tty0?
You should try adding another user connecting from outside, them log into that 
user on the local screen, if it works that mean something prevent root to log 
from the main terminal..

I hope that could help,

> Le 30 janv. 2016 à 15:10, Andrew Lowe <> a écrit :
> Hi all,
>    I have an ARM device that I have Gentoo on. In the past I had it
> successfully running and then one day I managed to "customise" something
> and I could no longer get it to boot. At the time I though "I'll have to
> fix that...". Today I'm trying.
>    The machine in question operates as a small server hence runs headless.
> For the work at hand, I've attached it to the TV hence everything is in
> text mode, no X.
>    When it boots, I'm presented with the login prompt. I enter "root", the
> password & enter. The screen flashes, a frame by frame viewing of a
> video of this shows that it's printing the last time I logged in and
> then am represented with the login again. This just repeats. I though
> that I had forgotten the root password hence accessed the disk via
> another machine, reset things in the shadow file and rebooted. Once
> again the screen flashed, with the same output, and I was presented with
> the login prompt again.
>    Any thought on what could be going wrong here? I've ensured all the
> files that should be owned by root are owned by root - I think. Logging
> appears not to be working so I can't get much from that. I'm 99.99% sure
> this is not an ARM specific problem as the machine was running perfectly
> beforehand.
>    Any thoughts greatly appreciated,
>        Andrew

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