On Tuesday 09 Feb 2016 10:38:08 Andrew Savchenko wrote:
> On Sun, 7 Feb 2016 14:13:33 -0800 Willie Matthews wrote:
> > On 02/06/2016 10:08 AM, meino.cra...@gmx.de wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > 
> > > I got a interesting problem:
> > > 
> > > When using Firefox 44, I can watch Videos for
> > > example from YouTube and can hear the audio.
> > > 
> > > When using the newest TOR-Browser bundle, videos
> > > are playing fine...but without any sound.
> > > 
> > > I have no clue, what happens here.
> > > 
> > > Any help to fix that is very appreciated...
> > > thank you very much in advance!
> > > 
> > > Best regards,
> > > Meino
> > 
> > It is a lot easier to use the tor network by installing net-misc/tor and
> > setting up the proxy on whatever browser you use.
> > 
> > For instance I use Chrome. I setup a shortcut on my desktop that gives
> > me a a new incognito window that is using the proxy for all connections
> > and the /tmp/chrome directory for the user directory.
> > 
> > [Desktop Entry]
> > Version=1.0
> > Type=Application
> > Name=Chrome with Tor
> > Comment=Start Chrome with Tor
> > Exec=google-chrome-beta --incognito
> > --proxy-server="socks5://" --user-data-dir="/tmp/chrome/"
> > Icon=google-chrome-unstable
> > Path=
> > Terminal=false
> > StartupNotify=false
> > 
> > I haven't had any problems using it this way so far. I hope that you
> > will have the same results.
> Be aware of privacy issues with such setup. Your browser may leak
> DNS requests, e.g. use standard system calls and they will be sent
> over casual network (not TOR), thus your provider will know what
> resources your are visiting as well as owner of DNS service you use.
> Chrome may leak other data in background as well.
> While such background traffic can be redirected to tor using tsocks
> and iptables, this is not very trivial task. That is why tor browser
> is useful: it does such stuff for you by ensuring that all browser
> traffic is going via tor. You may use torbrowser overlay to use
> this package in Gentoo.
> Best regards,
> Andrew Savchenko

Have you tested Chromium and Firefox and confirmed they do not respect their 
proxy setting and leak DNS data, or are you saying that they might?

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