I am not sure whether this is the right group to post this
message. But the issue does happen after a Gentoo @world update.

After login into console, 'startx' will launch Xfce4
desktop. Everything works like a charm.

A few days ago:

    1) @world update;

    2) reinstall Emacs (USE="gtkgtk3") to USE="athena Xaw3d -gtk
If I logout or shutdown through Xfce4 panel "Shutdown" or "Log
Out", xfce "Shutdown" or "Lot Out" will be delayed for almost 2
minutes. During this period, Xfce4 desktop stands still and do

When I click 'Shutdown" or "Log Out" again, an error message pops

    Failed to run action "Shut Down"
    Session manager must be in idle state when requesting a

Interestingly, this issue usually is accompanied with Emacs daemon
editing. If I does not lanuch Emacs daemon to edit file (no daemon
process in the whole login session), Xfce4 shutdown or logout
normally without delay.

Googled around and a few posts suggest 'rm
~/.cache/session/xfce4*'. But still does NOT solve
my problem.

Hello, world!

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