On 17/03/16 20:26, Alan McKinnon wrote:
> On 17/03/2016 08:50, Håkon Alstadheim wrote:
>> I have a server SUPPOSED to be running 24/7, but every once in a while
>> during a prolonged absence the box will go down. The Real Time Clock
>> will drift, and in the rush to get the box up again I let everything
>> boot up automatically and get both wrong time on the main systems, and
>> different times on the various systems.
>> My setup has a main server which does NTP, but with no direct link to
>> the outside. Router&firewall /have/ to be booted booted later (dumb
>> setup, don't ask), after which I can finally get correct time from NTP.
>> NTP initiates "11 minute mode", which makes /etc/adjtime useless as far
>> as I understand. Anybody have a /correct/ way to account for RTC drift
>> on a box running ntpd? Right now I have a ---file in
>> /etc/cron.d/time-bad like so:
>> * * * * * root adjtimex -S 5 >/dev/null 2>&1 </dev/null
>> ---
>> Combined with an old-fashioned setup for hwclock during boot and
>> shutdown. This feels really wrong, and I have no idea what I am doing.
>> TLDR: Anybody have a /correct/ way to account for RTC drift on a box
>> running ntpd?
> When the box was off, all questions of accurate ntp tracking are moot.
> ntp is designed around the idea that every second happens but from your
> machine's point of view they didn't happen since it was powered down.
> I would go the really simple route and force ntpdate to run once during
> boot up before ntpd is started, thereby avoiding the entire issue.
> Sometimes correctness really doesn't matter, this looks like one of those.
> alan

add a cheap gps setup as the reference clock to the server, or even
better is a dedicated time server (either a real one or a raspberry
pi/gps) on the network if you have internal connectivity.  Going super
cheap, but not quite as accurate for me was an arduino and rtc on a
bluetooth pan for when the network was down but I needed a reference (to
power up the real server :).

google "arduino time server" for plenty of options :)


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