On Monday, March 21, 2016 03:02:49 PM Grant Edwards wrote:
> On 2016-03-21, Alan Grimes <alonz...@verizon.net> wrote:
> > Anyone who boots directly to X'doze without first going through a safe
> > console login is a raging mad lunatic who needs his head examined. [...]
> A bit hyperbolic perhaps, but I've always been a firm believer in the
> "boot to console and start X from the command-line" theory.  I've been
> doing it that way for almost 30 years now, and it's saved me
> innumerable headaches.

I've been booting into X directly for over 13 years (forgot the actual year) 
now and only had an issue 3 times.
Every time I managed to easily fix it by using "init=/bin/sh" and fix it from 

And those have not happened often. (maybe 5 times at the most)

The trick is to run mostly stable and use your brain.


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