Mick wrote:
> On Friday 15 Apr 2016 10:43:26 Alan McKinnon wrote:
>> On 14/04/2016 21:39, Mick wrote:
>>> I don't have NVidia or use the full plasma desktop environment on my
>>> laptop (I use enlightenment instead with a Radeon card). However, I have
>>> not added sddm to the video group and have not noticed anything undue in
>>> my logs.  I have however noticed that sddm is slightly slower than kdm.
>>> Why is the video group needed?  What does it do?
>> It's a simple group permission scheme to allow users access to advanced
>> features on the video card, like what compositing does.
> I'd understand this if sddm was using hardware acceleration to play some 
> video 
> or snazzy graphics while login in.  It looks rather static to me, unless it 
> uses the card to scroll between user icons ... ? 

I think I posted this elsewhere.  I have a Nvidia card and use Nvidia's
drivers.  I didn't have sddm in the video group until someone else
posted about it.  I didn't see it in the howto I guess.  Point is, it
worked here.  It doesn't focus on the password field like it should but
it came up, let me login and then started up KDE like it should.  So,
I'm not sure what difference it is but for some at least, it works
without being in the video group.  Card info:

VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GT216 [GeForce GT 220]
(rev a2)

Driver version:


Maybe the age of my card is why it works for me.  I don't know.  I just
thought I would share the info in case it will help someone else with
this, maybe figure out why it works for some but not others. 


:-)  :-) 

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