J. Roeleveld <joost <at> antarean.org> writes:

> I am using my mobile at least as much as my desktop.
> For simple posts, the interface of my mobile works and can easily quote 
> and bottompost. If I need to edit the post more, I tend to wait till 
> I have access to a decent mailer.

> Topposting and not quoting can not be blamed on the tool anymore.
> Joost 

where is that gentoo wiki link???

EXCELLENT! It's not like I'm against what you are saying. Perhaps it
wouldn't be too much to ask for somebody to generate a simple 'howto' on the
gentoo wiki for using a mobile device as you have specified?

I think the gentoo wiki, is turning out to be my favorite part of gentoo.
It allows me in a "old man distracted state of mind" to casually stand on the
shoulders of our gentoo_giant community.

AKA:: without the gentoo wiki, I'd be a mere mortal, frustrated old-fart
of an admin....(with one hell of a 3-point shot)....

awesome, dude, awesome!


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