Mick <michaelkintzios <at> gmail.com> writes:

> > Is there anything around to do this and not need a web server installed on
> > the local machine?

> Have a look at iftop, iptraf-ng and if you want more graphics ntop is worth 
> considering.

> Beyond those tools you could look at snmp, rrdtool and if you want a full 
> blown monitoring tool with alerts and what not you could look at nagios, 
> cacti, munin, etc., but all these would require a webserver running.

Here is an additional resource listing, including wireshark. These tools
usually categorize traffic by port/protocol and not the specific
process(es) but I'm sure if you dig deeply enough you'll find what 
you are looking for to characterize the traffic.


[1] https://wiki.wireshark.org/Tools

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