On 05/26/2016 05:03 AM, Peter Humphrey wrote:
> On Thursday 26 May 2016 09:32:26 I wrote:
>> Thanks for the encouragement. I'll muse awhile.
> Already I have an elementary question: what editors are recommended for this 
> kind of work? Other than vim and emacs, that is, either of which would 
> involve yet another acute learning process.

It doesn't really matter, you're essentially just writing bash scripts.
We have special syntax highlighting for vim and emacs, but anything that
can handle bash code should work fine. We also use tabs for indentation
(disgusting, I know), so your editor should know the difference between
tabs and spaces. I've used app-editors/mousepad in a pinch.

Repoman can catch a lot of minor syntax issues (like space indentation),
and the output of `git diff` will show leading/trailing whitespace, so
it isn't much of a problem.

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