Neil Bothwick wrote:
> On Sat, 28 May 2016 12:06:20 -0500, Dale wrote:
>> What is also a surprise, Alan hasn't figured out that his script is the
>> problem.
> I believe that there are actually two scripts at play here. One that does
> its best to defeat portage's attempts to keep a system clean and
> consistent and another that posts abusive rants to the list on behalf of
> the first.

I like how it blames portage instead of the real problem.  Yea, we run
into a occasional bump in the road on this list but overall, emerge does
one heck of a job sorting this mess out.  If it can find a path to
complete a upgrade, it gets there even if it has to spin the wheel a
little longer.  Poor Alan tho, he just keeps shooting himself in the
foot.   I'm saving my band-aids for someone who has at least learned to
use a better method.  Heck, if you or the smart Alan tells me I am doing
a upgrade wrong, I listen.  Thing is, even I know his script is a
disaster without even running it.  And I don't even try to claim to be a
expert on scripts or that I can eve write one.  lol   I just know his
creates a mess and every once in a while, he posts so that we know we
are right. 

It does serve as a good source of giggles tho.  ROFL


:-)  :-) 

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