Andrew Lowe <agl <at>> writes:

> unresolved reference to 'Imf_2_1::Header::view[abi:cxx11]() const

I have no idea what that is, nor can I find it.

I have this installed::

Installed versions:  2.72b-r3(12:54:31 PM 03/24/2016)(boost bullet dds
elbeem ffmpeg game-engine jack jpeg2k openexr openmp opennl tiff -collada
-colorio -cycles -debug -doc -fftw -libav -ndof -nls -openal -openimageio
-player -redcode -sdl -sndfile CPU_FLAGS_X86="sse sse2"

> There are a whole series of these errors all referencing undefined 
> things contained within a library called "Imf_2_1". I've done some 
> googling and I think this is something to do with a library from 
> Industrial Light & Magic but other than that, I can't work things out. 
> Has anyone come across this sort of problem before I have to post the 
> whole gory details of this problem.

I'm no whiz at blender, but it is installed. You can post snippets
and questions and I'll compare to my system, if that helps.

Did you look in bgo for any relevant bugs?


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