Dale <rdalek1967 <at> gmail.com> writes:

> >>> Blueness has created a 'tin hat' [1] mini secure linux distro that runs
> >>> in all ram for the truely paranoid (or those with valid security

Perhaps one of the gentoo devs will package up a secure, minimal gentoo
image that we can use, via a container or vm or as a snappy....
Keeping it on a usb drive for insertion and removal, would go a long
way creating flexibility of usage and keeping it offline when not at 
use is also keenly wise, imho. Kinda like a ghost image.

> My biggest curiosity at the start of this was if using VPN would help. 

The same dev that brought us TinHat, maintains  a VPN package that might
be what you are looking for::


> Still, using Linux is likely the biggest bonus.  

I would not count on using linux to be any measure of security,
as most of the worlds finest hackers use linux, critically, in their
attack vectors, so those linux distro's have been thoroughly parsed
for vulnerabilities. The best hackers compromise systems for years and years
and you never know they are there.....

The best hackers never strike until they can substantially wipe-out
your (financial) resources.

caveat emptor,

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