On Fri, Jun 24 2016, Alan McKinnon wrote:

> On 24/06/2016 16:06, allan gottlieb wrote:
>> Having read the latest news article and rereading parts of the
>> localization guide, it is not clear to me what action, if any, I need to
>> take.
>> My systems are US English only
>> /etc/portage/make.conf has
>>    LINGUAS="en"
>> /etc/local.gen has just comments plus
>>    en_US ISO-8859-1
>>    en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8
>> Should I add
>>    L10N="en-US"
>> to /etc/portage/make.conf ?
>> Should I run local-gen ?
>> Thanks
>> allan
> Add
> L10N="en" to make.conf

Thanks.  Done.  Update world just generated

   [ebuild   R    ] app-text/texlive-2014  L10N="en*" 

all seems well.  Thanks again.

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