Philip Webb wrote:
> It looks as if in the near future I am going to have to install KDE 5 ,
> if I want to go on using my regular daily apps Konsole Gwenview Okular ;
> yes, I know I can limit exposure to their requirements
> & don't need to install the whole desktop system.
> Before I plunge into that, is anyone else using KDE 5 every day ?
> What are people's experiences with it ?

The things that are weird or don't work right.  My clock on the panel
thingy at the bottom, it winks at me, a lot.  It's annoying.  It isn't
as bad after the update a couple days tho so maybe it is being worked
on.  Also, if I put to many widgets/??? on the panel, it locks up a
lot.  Things that update a lot make it worse.  It works fairly well with
a CPU and network monitor.  If I go past that, it tends to lock up
more.  The device notifier thing, worthless except for telling you
plugged something in.   Nothing I click on does anything. 

Now to plasmashell.  It gets CPU hungry to the point I have to kill it. 
If it isn't that, it locks up completely.  Either way, I have to kill it
and then restart it, or log out and back in again.  If you run into
this, I'll be glad to share the command, maybe you can even improve it
more.  ;-)

Konqueror.  Well, I haven't been able to use it for a while and been
stuck with Dolphin.  I don't like Dolphin but it works, just not like
I'm used to with Konqueror.  What it does.  I use a folder desktop which
means I have folders and such on my desktop that I can click on to go
find a pic, video, document etc.  When I do click it with Konqueror
enabled, I get hundreds of Konqueror processes/windows.  Even after I
kill it with pkill, it pops up again and starts opening new
processes/windows.  I just have to keep killing it until it stops.  I'm
not sure what to make of that.  Oh, after you kill and restart plasma,
you can't click and open a desktop folder any more. 

I had several other oddities until I gave KDE a fresh start on configs. 
I renamed .kde4 and .config and some things did improve or just started
working correctly.  I think the .config is the most important part on
this.  There doesn't seem to be near as much in .kde4 any more.  If you
use Kmail or something, that could change things.

So, depending on your settings, you may or may not have those issues.

I run somewhat stable but I've got all of KDE and its related packages
running keyworded packages.  I'm not using the -9999 ones but I'm right
there close to it. My core stuff, things needed for booting etc, those I
try to keep on stable.  If you want to run like mine, let me know and
I'll send you my short list keyword file, emerge's autounmask will give
you the rest based on your USE flags etc.

Oh, I use Seamonkey for my email so I have no info on things like Kmail
and such.  I see others have posted about those.

That's all I can recall at the moment.

Hope this helps. 


:-)  :-) 

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