check either with alsamixer and make sure the headphone jack isn't muted,
or look into pulseaudio if you're using that, although I can't help much
there as I don't use pulse.

On Sat, Jul 16, 2016 at 8:25 AM allan gottlieb <> wrote:

> Hardware: Dell Latitude E7450 laptop
> Gentoo essentially all stable
> Gnome / Systemd
> When I play a movie using totem it sounds fine if no headphones are
> plugged it.
> No sound at all with headphones.  I tried a few, one with a microphone
> several without.
> The gnome sound settings gui recognizes that the headphones are in but
> the sound test is silent.  If, with the phones still in, I select the
> internal speakers, all sounds well.
> I installed pauvcontrol and selected "Output Devices".
> When I selected "Speakers" as the port the volume meter moves around
> normally and the sound is fine.
> When I selected "Headphones (plugged in)" as the port the volume meter
> again moves around normally but there is no sound.
> This laptop dual boots windows.  I played the same movie on windows and
> sound was normal both with the speakers and the headphones.
> What should I try next?
> thanks,
> allan

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