I am not sure of the correct approach to achieve a prolonged remote debugging 
session through SSH and avoid the SSH session timing out.

This is what I try to achieve:

I login into a router with SSH from my PC.  Then I can run certain commands to 
start and monitor a debugging session in the router.  However, if I leave 
alone the SSH session, it will soon time out.  The debugging only runs while 
the session is live.  Exiting the SSH session causes all debug output to be 

If I continue to run (router) commands on the terminal, while the debugging is 
running, the SSH time out is postponed.

What do you suggest I try on an SSH terminal from my PC to keep running 
recurring commands after I have connected to the router?  I will need to keep 
a debugging session going for some hours, in order to collect the data I'm 


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