On Mon, 18 Jul 2016 06:59:02 +0100, Mick wrote:

> > > I beg your pardon - my cognitive bias took over.  It does
> > > auto-increment if the name of the picture exists, but it appears
> > > that .png  is the default and only image format spectacle will use
> > > at present.  
> > 
> > Not here. I take a screenshot and save it as "test_1.png". Then I take
> > another and hit Save As, the name defaults to ".png".  
> Its behaviour is not as one would expect based on previous Kscreenshot 
> experience:
> I set up the default file name in Configure Save Options as "Test".
> I take a pic, press Ctrl+S and it is saved as "Test.png", second pic
> will be saved as "Test-1.png", third pic saved as "Test-2.png" and so
> on.

Yes, that works, but it always saves it in the same location. With Save
As it remembers the last location but does not increment the filename.
This is the behaviour I need, saving sequential screenshots in a
particular directory, and I suspect Joost's needs are similar.

Since it does increment the filename with Save, but not with Save As, I
feel this is a bug rather than a deliberate missing feature, so I'll file
a report.

It's still not as useful as KSnapshot's approach of remembering both the
location and the name, it even showed the name a new screenshot would be
saved as in the title bar.

Neil Bothwick

I am McCoy of Bo...Damnit! I'm a doctor, not a collective!

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