
Ok, so I have been looking for some lightweight, but reliable ntp system
to use on embedded, cluster-nodes and gentoo workstations. openntp
ran rock solid, for a while (weeks) but today, upon checking it's
off by about 6 minutes. No events here locally. I did use the default
gentoo servers for linkage::

# Choose servers announced from Gentoo NTP Pool
servers 0.gentoo.pool.ntp.org
servers 1.gentoo.pool.ntp.org
servers 2.gentoo.pool.ntp.org
servers 3.gentoo.pool.ntp.org

I tried to run ::
'ntpdate -sv pool.ntp.org' but that syntax does not seem to be supported:: bash: ntpdate: command not found

Googling produces little on this package, but the man pages.
I even tried to stop and restart the daemon, but that makes no difference but to verifyh that openntp is actually the daemon running::
Starting OpenNTPD ...

Any hints on using this net-misc/openntpd ?


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