On Tue, 6 Sep 2016 21:16:12 +0300, gevisz wrote:

> I had one IDE hard drive for /
> and one SATA hard drive for /home
> After adding another (yet non-formatted) SATA hard drive
> the system panics and complains that it cannot find kernel
> (if I understood it correctly :).
> As it happens after the GRUB(2) menu, I suspect GRUB(2).
> Just executed
> # grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
> but have not tried to reboot yet.
> After disconnecting a new hard drive, the system boot normally.

It sounds like you are specifying the root device by device node and
those have changed with the addition of a new drive. Using UUID or LABEL
will avoid this problem.

Neil Bothwick

And then Adam said, "What's a headache?

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