Jigme Datse Rasku schrieb:
This seems like it should be possible.  The potential issue would be how to 
ensure a whole job is printed, before a new job is sent.  With a single cups 
process sending to the printer, it should be able to print as jobs get 
prepared.  But configuring such might not be possible with current setup...

I would expect CUPS to do that out of the box.  Once a job has been
processed, it can be sent to the printer as a whole and it won´t be
possible for other jobs to be printed in between.

Since CUPS doesn´t seem to do it out of the box, maybe there´s a
setting I need to change to make it do this?

On Sep 13, 2016 09:50, "hw" <h...@gc-24.de <mailto:h...@gc-24.de>> wrote:


    is it possible to make cups print a job while another job is still
    being processed, on the same printer?

    Processing a large job can take quite some time, and the printer is
    idle while the large job is being processed and other, smaller jobs,
    are idly waiting in the queue for the large job to finish.

    I want like a maximum of 20 jobs being processed at the same time so
    that the printer can print the ones that have already been processed
    immediately when their processing has finished.

    Why should cups be limited to use only one CPU?

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