On Sunday, September 25, 2016 02:27:06 PM Alan McKinnon wrote:
> On 25/09/2016 14:17, J. Roeleveld wrote:
> > On Sunday, September 25, 2016 12:16:29 PM Mick wrote:
> >> On Sunday 25 Sep 2016 10:24:24 J. Roeleveld wrote:
> >>> I think it's what I would love for KDE to have as well.
> >>> I have a desktop with 2 displays connected.
> >>> 
> >>> I also have a few virtual desktops.
> >>> 
> >>> I would like each display to have a seperate set of virtual displays.
> >>> This
> >>> woulx allow me to switch 1 display to a different desktop while keeping
> >>> the
> >>> other display unchanged.
> >> 
> >> This may not suit the OPs requirements, but you can achieve what you want
> >> with enlightenment (i'm currently running 0.20.6), which has separate and
> >> independent virtual desktops on each display.
> > 
> > Looks interesting.
> > 
> > Which version in portage is the correct one?
> > I see a slot "0", which has version 1.0.17.
> > I see a slot "0.17", which has versions like 0.20.5 and 0.20.6.
> > 
> > And according to the website, 0.21.2 has been released.
> "enlightenment" is really two completely different projects that share
> only a project name and a bunch of devs in common.
> There was Enlightenment 16, currently maintained by Kim Woelders, this
> is SLOT 0 in Gentoo and the most recent release 1.0.17.
> Rasterman and his trusty bunch of nefarious cohorts scrapped E16 about
> 13 years ago and started over and called their new project E17. It ha
> very little in common with E16 other than lots of bling :-)
> E17 has steadily moved forward after taking 10 years for any release of
> any kind and is now up to 0.21.2 - there is no E18 or E19 or whatever
> they are all subsequent releases of E17. Gentoo has this in SLOT 0.17
> It's all terrible confusing :-)

Nice.... a fork without a renaming. Really useful.

Which would be considered the most up-to-date/modern/reliable version?


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