On 10/29/2016 04:59 AM, Emanuele Rusconi wrote:
>     Have a look at renamexm from sys-apps/rename (it's actually called
>     rename
>     but for Gentoo is was renamed to avoid a collision). It has a lot more
>     options than rename and defaults to prompting you if you try to
>     rename to
>     an existing file.
> I use vidir from sys-apps/moreutils.
> All the power of vim (or whatever you set in $VISUAL) and no need to
> pray that your incantation is correct: you edit the file list as a text,
> and when you're satisfied, save and exit.
> -- Emanuele Rusconi
I second the vidir recommendation. I can't tell you how many times it's
made batch renaming easy, powerful, and intuitive for me.

Daniel Campbell - Gentoo Developer
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