On 12/09/2016 03:50 AM, Neil Bothwick wrote:
> On Fri, 09 Dec 2016 06:12:03 +0000, J. Roeleveld wrote:
>>> VirtualBox is a Qt app and *requires* Qt to get a GUI. There is no
>>> option for GTK
>>> USE="qt4"
>>> or in more recent versions ebuilds (or ~arch)
>>> USE="qt5"
>>> as appropriate  
>> USE="-qt4" means qt5 I think.
> The ebuild for VB4 builds it headless with -qt4. There is no choice of
> qt4 or qt5, it's qt or headless, only the version of qt used varies
> between VB releases.

Yep. And it's a bit confusing cause you have the headless use flag that
really does nothing. Just yesterday I had to rebuild it twice in a row
because I got tricked by that. And to top it off it's been a while since
I've been able to build VirtualBox with anything other thann -j1.

Bertram, if you're still having the host crashes one possible cause is a
dirty /lib/modules/<kernel version> directory. I just had the same
problem. I was setting up a new laptop so I was fiddling with the kernel
config and I switched something to built-in from module but  the module
from the previous kernel build was still there. So remove that directory
and run 'make modules_install' again.


Fernando Rodriguez

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