On Sun, Jan 15, 2017 at 8:02 PM, Andrew Lowe <a...@wht.com.au> wrote:
> On 16/01/17 01:07, Alexander Kapshuk wrote:
>> On Sun, Jan 15, 2017 at 5:42 PM, Alexander Kapshuk
>> <alexander.kaps...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On Sun, Jan 15, 2017 at 5:07 PM, Andrew Lowe <a...@wht.com.au> wrote:
>>>> On 15/01/17 21:27, Alexander Kapshuk wrote:
>>>>> On Sun, Jan 15, 2017 at 10:36 AM, Andrew Lowe <a...@wht.com.au> wrote:
>>>>>> Dear all,
>>>>>>         Just done an eix-sync -> emerge -NuD world and have a problem
>>>>>> with
>>>>>> the above mentioned package. As a quick first pass before I put all
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> error/debugging stuff together, does anyone know what the following
>>>>>> snippet
>>>>>> would mean, I'm totally Perl ignorant?
>>>>>>  * perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=/usr INSTALLDIRS=vendor INSTALLMAN3DIR=none
>>>>>> DESTDIR=/var/tmp/portage/dev-perl/IO-Socket-SSL-2.43.0/image/
>>>>>> perl: symbol lookup error:
>>>>>> /usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl/5.24.1/x86_64-linux/auto/Net/SSLeay/SSLeay.so:
>>>>>> undefined symbol: SSLeay_version
>>>>>>  * ERROR: dev-perl/IO-Socket-SSL-2.43.0::gentoo failed (configure
>>>>>> phase):
>>>>>>  *   Unable to build!
>>>>>> According to packages.gentoo.org, I've got the latest version of
>>>>>> Net-SSLeay,
>>>>>> 1.8
>>>>>>         Any thoughts greatly appreciated,
>>>>>>                 Andrew
>>>>> An undefined symbol is a reference to a function called SSLeay_version
>>>>> not being defined in the SSLeay_version.so module.
>>>>> Have you updated dev-lang/perl recently and perhaps forgot to run
>>>>> perl-cleaner afterwards?
>>>>> Just a thought.
>>>> Alexander,
>>>>         I remember to do the python-updater but had forgotten about the
>>>> perl
>>>> equivalent, perl-cleaner. Gave it a run but I still get the same error,
>>>> whilst the cleaner is running. Might be time to file a bug, unless
>>>> anyone
>>>> else has updated this is the last day or so with no error's?
>>>>         Regards,
>>>>                 Andrew
>>> Based on the CPAN info on NET::SSLeay,
>>> http://search.cpan.org/~mikem/Net-SSLeay-1.80/lib/Net/SSLeay.pod,
>>> SSLeay_version has been available in this module in versions >
>>> Net-SSLeay-1.42. So it should be available in 1.8, which is what you
>>> say you have. Could be a bug, as you suggested.
>>> What USE flags do you have NET::SSLeay compiled with, and what other
>>> flag are available for it?
>> Do you have openssl or libressl installed on your system?
> I've got openssl, but when eix lists it, the version installed, the latest,
> 1.1.0c, is in red, masked. I don't have libressl installed.
>         Andrew

I don't have an answer for you at the moment, sorry.

You probably want to run this by the maintainers of Net-SSLeay, p...@gentoo.org.

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