Hello Mick,

already tried, including uninstalling sys-kernel/linux-headers and than
reinstalling them... Installed version of linux-headers is 4.4 which is
the latest stable version.

Best regards


Am 25.01.2017 um 23:41 schrieb Mick:
> On Wednesday 25 Jan 2017 19:53:53 Jens Pelzetter wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> sorry, my misttake.
>> the error message is:
>> usr/klibc/sigsuspend.c:8:31: fatal error: klibc/havesyscall.h: No such
>> file or directory
>> #include <klibc/havesyscall.h>
>> The output and the complete build log are attached.
>> Any ideas how to solve this? Or is it a bug and I should fill a ticket
>> at bugs.gentoo.org?
>> Best regards
>> Jens
> I assume the problem is with your linux header files, because of the warnings 
> the elog has spewed out.  Portage should have installed the correct linux 
> headers.  Try emerging the latest stable linux-headers and then see if the 
> problem is gone:
> emerge -uaNDv sys-kernel/linux-headers

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