On 02/03/2017 09:53:52 PM, Frank Steinmetzger wrote:
On Fri, Feb 03, 2017 at 09:32:53PM +0100, Helmut Jarausch wrote:
> On 02/03/2017 07:06:51 PM, J. Roeleveld wrote:
> > On February 3, 2017 6:30:52 PM GMT+01:00, Helmut Jarausch
> > <jarau...@skynet.be> wrote:
> >
> > How come you are installing 3000 packages in 1 go?
> > Is this a new install? Or are you updating?
> >
> > My update command doesn't even cover more than 1 line on my mobile.
> >
> I had strange errors with some programs (e.g. gimp) and I suspect
> something is broken
> after I have switched to gcc-6.3.0 and glibc-2.24.
> Therefore I try to rebuild all packages which have been installed
> before that change.

When I am in such a situation, I let emerge print out the package list to be built (in the order it intends to merge them), put that list into a file and
edit it a bit so I can use it in the following command:

emerge -1O $(sed -n '1,100p' packagelist)

Thanks Frank for that hint.
It would make using a large command file obsolete IFF all wents through.
But in my experience emerge fails again and again with some package.
Now, I have to remove these package and those which have been successfully emerged from my list.


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