Frank Steinmetzger wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 09, 2017 at 02:21:09AM -0600, Dale wrote:
>>> 170208 Philip Webb wrote:
>>> […]
>>> I had understood that tab-grouping had been dropped by FF,
>>> but was available via an add-on, Panorama something.
>>> However, the new FF seems to have restored tab-grouping itself.
>>> Is it back by popular demand ?  Info is very welcome.
>> I use this add-on:
>> I do things that require a large number of open tabs at times, I also
>> use this:
>> Hope that helps.
> To keep track of a lot of tabs visually, I use Tab Tree:
> This also makes much better use of screen real estate, now that you can only
> get 16:9 “viewing slits” these days.
> As for all those actions you get from the tab utilities, nothing beats a
> command line à la vim for that (pentadactyl/vimperator). :o)

That wouldn't handle the number of open tabs I have here.  Not even
close.  There are times where I have close to and even exceeding 200
tabs open.  I use the group add-on to sort them into groups.  Depending
on what I'm into at the time, or looking for, I go to the group that
should have it.

I tried vim once, didn't like it. 

This may help the OP tho.  ;-)


:-)  :-) 

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