On 170313-20:08+0100, tu...@posteo.de wrote:
> Hi,
> what software under app-cdr (and may be others) is a recommended
> application for burning all sorts of CD/DVD/DVDR/CDR...?
growisofs, cdrecord, and friends ...mkisofs for cdrecord, IIRC ...I use
it rarely nowadays...

but none (assisting other programs) actually if it's data to burn on DVD
or BD, growisofs is fine solo there...

However, it's no GUI there...

> As far it is not overcomplicated I am not scared by ncurses/slang
> and the commandline :)
There! You should be fine with the above.

> As long as it is neat and handy...no problem.
Those are neat, yes!

> Definatly I dont want KDE-software nor QT-stuff anymore.
> Same background, different task:
> What is similiar and recommended as replacement for 
> qtjackctrl?
> Thanks a lot for any help in advance!
> Cheers
> Meino

Miroslav Rovis
Zagreb, Croatia

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