On 03/15/2017 10:16 AM, Neil Bothwick wrote:
> On Wed, 15 Mar 2017 09:10:26 -0600, the...@sys-concept.com wrote:
>> Yes, I run as root: updatedb
>> But when run:
>> locate consent_extraction*
>> It only list one file:
>> /home/fd/consent_extraction1.pdf (this is a link file)
>> /home/fd/business/forms/consent_extraction1.pdf
> The wildcard is being expanded by your shell, so the command you are
> actually running is 
> locate consent_extraction1.pdf
> If you want to pass the * to locate, you need to escape or quote it.

locate consent_extraction\*  - didn't find anything
locate "consent_extraction*" - didn't find anything

locate "*consent_extraction*" - found both files
locate *consent_extraction* - found both files

I guess I have to erase my memory of DOS


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