Den 28. mars 2017 00:03, skrev Jorge Almeida:
This may be a stupid question, for one of two possible reasons, but
here it goes:

I'm thinking of buying a recent Intel CPU (7th generation, in
saleslang), say an i5-7400, and it came to mind, not too late yet,
that the integrated GPU may not be supported in linux. I'm talking
about the latest kernels, not necessarily the gentoo-packaged one.
Anyone knows something about it? And if not supported, is it likely
that it will be sometime soon? I can use a spare Radeon card
Google "linux intel graphics", and you'll find lots of hits from Intel itself. Most likely also from linux kernel maintainers. My impression (though I do not have one of these cpus) is that this is very well supported, and Intel is eager to get their latest offering out into the linux community, in a fairly stable form.

(And, for someone who is not a gamer, is a 7th generation CPU worth it
at all, as opposed to a 6th generation one?)
Read some benchmarks for your work-load. My guess: yes. Calculate percent increase performance, compare prices. Prices change all the time, so you need to do this the same week as you place your order.

Point to keep in mind: not just raw power but also heat/performance is relevant. Newer cpus waste less energy/need fewer fans/make less noise per work-unit done.

Running gentoo you might also be well positioned to take advantage of latest optimizations, but this can be a huge sink for your personal time. For reasonable effort, expect to wait at least a couple of years before stable gcc and kernel modules will push your rig to the max.

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