Alan McKinnon wrote:
> On 10/04/2017 00:58, Kai Krakow wrote:
>>> Oh, and have a look at gkrellm and its plugins. It might have all you
>>> want already and then some :)
>> No, I hate that. See above. Too overwhelmin, too distracting, and
>> either it steals screen real estate or isn't visible anyways and thus
>> no need to run it altogether. As I said, I never understood why one
>> would need such fancy monitor stuff. If I feel the need of monitoring
>> some status, I usually do this in a console window using CLI tools.
> he :-)
> I actually /like/ gkrellm, been using it for years. On KDE too. See
> screenshot.
> I keep it narrow (60 pixels) and with 1920x1080 I can afford that.
> I use virtualbox extensively and when I fire up all 12 VMs I have
> currently, I find gkrellm is the only thing that really shows me
> activity the way I want it. Horses for courses I guess :-)
> Never really groked CDE though. Lilac just ain't my hting

Same here.  I have Gkrellm on my parking desktop.  That's the desktop
I'm usually on when I'm not doing anything.  At a glance, I can see what
the CPUs are doing, memory, disks, fans and a whole host of other
things.  I can't see me going without Gkrellm.  I'd be one sad puppy if
it stopped working or being developed.  :-(   I'd want it up and running
no matter what desktop I was using.  As you showed, you can make it
really small if one wants too. 


:-)  :-) 

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