On 170419-00:51+0100, Peter Humphrey wrote:
> On Tuesday 18 Apr 2017 17:04:16 Miroslav Rovis wrote:
> > On 170418-09:17+0000, J. Roeleveld wrote:
> > > If you are certain you don't have gcc in slot 5.x installed. You can
> > > add palemoon to /etc/portage/package.unmask
> > 
> > "If" is what I would start with. Because it's hard to believe. Possible,
> > but I'd be more believing if I saw 'emerge --info' and 'gcc-config -l'
> > of that machine in that time.
> peak ~ # gcc-config -l
>  [1] x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-4.9.4 *
> peak ~ # 
> I say again: I have just the one version of GCC installed. And it isn't 5.x 
> either. Why is that hard to accept?
> -- 
> Regards
> Peter

If you don't want to read the analysis below, here's the summary: I
received your message, with the info missing in your earlier messages,
only later, because I replied to the same message to which your message
containing the missing info, just 8 minutes after you replied... Sorry

WARNING: below is probably superfluous, it's mail timestamps and such...
Reader freely skip all!

I'm sorry for the confusion. But see below if it was my fault.

If I had gotten your message:
Message-ID: <2085829.vpf8hVLQL8@peak>

which was actually in reply to the same email:
Message-ID: <d90e68bf-08f6-4e71-9b55-e2cb68a9f...@antarean.org>

I checked marc.info archives as well, and changing the subject really
splits the thread... Not good! Lurker would have done better service
here... (Lurker not even available in Gentoo. I think Lurker available
only in Debian/Devuan and their family...)

[which was actually in reply to the same email] to which my message
(which you partly quote above) was in reply to, but...

...But which message of mine appears later in the thread (in my Mutt, or
likely in whatever UAs other subscribers use) as well as in the web (I
changed the subject, but the number is incremented by 6, pretty
obviously some consecutive serial increment, by arrival [1]):

If I had gotten that message of yours with an equivalent of the info
that I wished to see when I mentioned 'gcc-config':

I would not have doubted your claims in the very least.


Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2017 15:56:12 +0100
From: Peter Humphrey <pe...@prh.myzen.co.uk>
To: gentoo-user@lists.gentoo.org


Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2017 17:04:16 +0200
From: Miroslav Rovis <miro.ro...@croatiafidelis.hr>
To: gentoo-user@lists.gentoo.org

and that's only 8 minutes later, that I sent my message, unaware of your

How could I have known that you had already replied in regard...

Sorry, anyway.
[1] And it also shows, in the message headers, that my message was
delivered by my provider, not the hoster of croatiafidelis.hr, they do
a good job, and they use Exim server... Not them, they sent fine, but by
the provider, they're on some Microsoft server, erhm, erhm...  [my
message was delivered on by my provider] some 40 minutes later only...
Else it would have had the serial just incremented by 1 and not 6 in
respect to your message, if it wasn't stalled for who knows what reason
at my provider's.
Miroslav Rovis
Zagreb, Croatia

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