On Thu, Apr 27, 2017 at 11:45 AM, Manuel Schönlaub
<manuel.schoenl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> i just have a question regarding packages using linux-info.eclass to check
> for specific kernel config flags (e.g. app-emaulation/docker).
> Currently it seems like the flags are only checked against the config in
> /usr/src/linux which is not necessariliy the running kernel.
> Furthermore there are some warnings printed, but after some time i find it
> hard to remember what i will have to change in my kernel configs in order to
> make the package work right. It is also just a snapshot of the situation at
> the time emerge is building the package.
> Does there exists a tool helping in maintaining consistency between kernel
> configuration and configs required by currently installed packages.
> If not, could emaint be be the right tool to extend with this functionality?
> Or is this functionality not really needed?
> Regards,
> Manuel

I too run custom rather than gentoo kernels on my system with
/usr/src/linux being a symbolic link pointing to the location of the
kernel sources I have in my $HOME directory for this very reason.

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