I've been running some number theory on my CPU 24/7 for the last
month... It's a good burn-in because it uses all my cpu and all my ram.
=P The run will complete a month from now, I hope...

Kinda stoked about gcc 6.x coming, really looking forward to rebuilding
my system, hope things go well by the time I'm ready. =)

Walter Dnes wrote:
>   I have a 2008 dual core Core2 that I gave up on because it doesn't
> support QEMU hardware acceleration.  Now that I've figured out chroot
> for stuff I need, I decided to do a new 32-bit install.  I figured this
> might be a chance to experiment with GCC 6.3.0.  I went whole-hog and
> enabled graphite, and used various -floop and -ftree CXXFLAGS.  When I
> tried updating @world on a new install, it was a Churchillian
> "unmitigated disaster", with multiple program builds aborting with
> "internal compiler error" messages complaining about something to do
> with "loop".  I blew away the partially completed install and started
> again.  This time, it'll be 6.3.0 without graphite.
>   I'm busy Tuesday morning.  So I'll fire up an "emerge -e @world" before
> going to bed, and see where things are when I get back in the afternoon.

Strange Game.
The only winning move is not to play. 

Powers are not rights.

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