On Wednesday 29 Mar 2017 16:59:01 I wrote:

> [I have a] new web-server box [with] two Ethernet ports, which I want to
> connect as follows:
> Port 1 (enp1s0) will be connected to [its own] port on my vDSL modem/
> router and be accessible from outside.
> Port 2 (enp2s0) is connected to my LAN switch, which is connected in turn
> to another port on the vDSL modem. Once the server goes into service this
> interface will be down most of the time.

I have two questions:

1.      Is it feasible to have both Ethernets connect, directly or indirectly, 
to the same DSL modem/router? (Adam seemed to imply that he operates this 
way). The device is a Billion Bipac 8900AX R2, which can segregate LAN 
ports, but as far as I can see it can't assign different IP addresses to 

2.      How should I set up routing on the web server so that outgoing traffic 
from itself is routed as follows:

(i)     if the destination is in the subnet, the packet should 
go out through enp2s0, and
(ii)    traffic to all other destinations goes out through enp1s0?

There ought to be a simple addition to /etc/conf.d/net, but I can't see 
what, even after looking through several web resources, including these:

https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Handbook:AMD64/Networking/Introduction et seq


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