Am Mon, 29 May 2017 19:16:11 +0100
schrieb Neil Bothwick <>:

> On Mon, 29 May 2017 15:07:48 -0300, Raphael MD wrote:
>  [...]  
> > > 1. partition layout
> > > 2. kernel cmdline
> > > 3. boot-loader config
> > > 4. exact error message on screen  
> > 1. partition layout
> > /dev/sda1 vfat boot
> > /dev/sda3 xfs   root
> > /dev/sda2 swap  
> That looks OK.

Yes, but I am missing some info:

Is sda1 marked as ESP?

Also, you should mark sda3 as root partition through gptfdisk.

That way, any modern EFI boot loader should be able to auto-configure

> > > 2. kernel cmdline    
> > None  
> Are you letting rEFInd auto-detect it? Maybe you need to configure it
> manually with a root= setting.

I think you need a working initrd for auto-detection to work. At least,
systemd is able to assemble the partitions from GPT partition type
settings and can autodetect boot, swap and rootfs.

Otherwise, you should give at least a root= cmdline.

> > > 3. boot-loader config    
> > Grub, without any different config.  
> You said you were using rEFInd, why have you got GRUB as well. rEFInd
> can work without a config, GRUB cannot.

This puzzles me, too... Maybe rEFInd was installed to sda and grub
installed to sda1, so rEFInd would chain-boot through grub.

Grub, however, won't work without a config file. I'd also suggest to
skip grub completely and use just one loader.

> > > 4. exact error message on screen    
> > Kernel boot up, start to load drivers and stop asking for root
> > partition.  
> That's a summary, not an exact message. As such it gives no useful
> information.

Yes, this is not helpful. How could one expect us to be helpful if
she/he refuses to give details? Nobody requires to copy the screen
contents by hand. For me, a useful screen shot taken with a mobile
phone camera would be a first step.

I think there are even services which can OCR such a screen shot...


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