On 2017-06-10 09:12, Nikos Chantziaras wrote:

> I noticed that the root prompt does not include the full path of the 
> current directory.

> ...

> So for users, I can see where I am ("/usr/bin"). For root, I cannot. It 
> just says "bin".

> ...

> Is there a rationale for this?

One guess:  when you're a normal user, you're likely to be in an X
terminal emulator, and probably a fancy toolkit based one too.  That
makes overflowing lines less of a problem than on a bare 80x25 console
which may be all you can work with as root, especially in an emergency.

But then, I may be making up a rationale when there is really none and
it's all just a historical accident, as Alan says.

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