On Mon, Aug 21 2017, Hans de Graaff wrote:

> On Sun, 20 Aug 2017 08:26:49 -0600, Alec Ten Harmsel wrote:
>> I don't believe that will be enough. You should update RUBY_TARGETS in
>> /etc/portage/make.conf if you have it set. If you don't have it set and
>> are still getting this error, that's a bug and should be filed on b.g.o.
>> I have a custom RUBY_TARGETS as I do some ruby development, so I don't
>> have a vanilla system to test this on.
> I initially forgot to update the default RUBY_TARGETS specified in the 
> profiles, so this may have caused some issues. That is fixed now.
>> You shouldn't have to 'eselect ruby' either - portage will do this for
>> you while updating.
> The automatic eselect will only happen when ruby 2.1 is uninstalled. On a 
> default system ruby 2.2 should already be installed for some time 
> alongside with ruby 2.1. My recommendation is to switch explicitly to 
> ruby 2.2 now (using eselect), and remove ruby 2.1 once all dependencies 
> have been updated.
> Hans

First thanks to you, stroller, and Alec for the help.

I re-synced the tree and the emerge ... @world completed normally.
I used eselect to switch to ruby 22.

I issued emerge --pretend --verbose --depclean =ruby-2.1.9
and the response was

    selected: 2.1.9 
   protected: none 
     omitted: 2.2.6 

Am I correct in believing it is now safe to issue

  emerge --depclean =ruby-2.1.9


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